with Nishkaladasananda
In this course, you will learn how to use a simple ritual called puja to connect with the form of the Divine you feel closest to. This is the perfect introductory class for anyone who has little prior experience with Hindu rituals.
Saturday, February 15
11am EST
LIVE at the Paranitya Narasimha Temple
- or - Online VIA Zoom
This course will give you an insight into the significant and fundamental importance of the relationship between the Atma and Paramatma: this personal relationship between you and the Divine.
You will learn:
- The meaning and purpose behind puja
- How to conduct your own Simple Puja that fits into any daily schedule and truly captures the heart of the ceremony.
- How to pronounce mantras (recordings for practice included)
- All the supplies you need to do puja
You will receive a manual with everything you need to know in order to enhance and simplify your learning and practicing Puja, as well as a recording of the course and all of the mantras you will need for the ceremony.
By placing an emphasis on quality over quantity, the key principles are presented in an easy-to-understand way that makes the experience of practicing Puja simple and filled with Love for the Divine. It gives you a great tool to serve, look after and grow in Love with your chosen deity.